Haven't written in a while due to lack of umph. Writing has been slack lately. I have been inspired to paint my kitchen though.
Yes, it is blue, white, green, and orange and striped with gold stars. I'm not artsy at all, no.
It all began with a desire to put up some shelves. But the only place to put them was on the wall that wasn't painted yet (procrastination). I knew if I put shelves on the unpainted wall, I'd never actually paint the wall for lack of desire to take the shelves back down.
So I went a little nuts. The shelves STILL aren't up. I'm painting gold stars at the top. Probably going to paint them on the door too. I love stars. A poorly kept secret is that I have a star tattoo. Its relatively new.
I'm probably just going to paint the drop down ceiling some groovy color. I was going to get faux tin tile but its pricey. Even the cheap kind that I would paint myself is out of my budget.
Anyway, even if the writing isn't too inspired, at least the house is shaping up again.
That's all.

Haven't written in a while due to lack of umph. Writing has been slack lately. I have been inspired to paint my kitchen though.
Yes, it is blue, white, green, and orange and striped with gold stars. I'm not artsy at all, no.
It all began with a desire to put up some shelves. But the only place to put them was on the wall that wasn't painted yet (procrastination). I knew if I put shelves on the unpainted wall, I'd never actually paint the wall for lack of desire to take the shelves back down.
So I went a little nuts. The shelves STILL aren't up. I'm painting gold stars at the top. Probably going to paint them on the door too. I love stars. A poorly kept secret is that I have a star tattoo. Its relatively new.
I'm probably just going to paint the drop down ceiling some groovy color. I was going to get faux tin tile but its pricey. Even the cheap kind that I would paint myself is out of my budget.
Anyway, even if the writing isn't too inspired, at least the house is shaping up again.
That's all.
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