I posted this on Facebook, but I wanted to put it here too, just because.
week, I was teaching about texture to my classes. This print of Henry
VII is what I was using to talk about visual, or implied texture. In one
of the first grade classes, the conversation is going normally. I tell
them that the painting is about 500 years old. They ask what they ALWAYS
ask, "Oh, is he dead now?" (Seriously, they ask this every time I show
them a print of a person)

"Well darling, the painting is 500 years old. What do you think?"
The class decided that, yes, he is probably dead.
This is when is one of the precocious ones speaks up. She gets this
trance-like look, and says "He was a very nice man. He died, and God
took him straight up to heaven because he was a very nice man and fought
for his family."
One of those moments where I don't know
whether to laugh or cry. I mean, you can't really tell first graders
about beheading wives, can you?
My sweet girl is very bright. But maybe not so perceptive in the character-judgement arena.
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